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Social Branding

Leading Britain’s Conversation

We’ve been working with LBC to create a static and motion graphics kit that allows for a consistent presence across all of their social channels. Being at the forefront of breaking news and opinions meant a solution that facilitates consistent branding and professionalism at incredible pace was essential.

Conversation catalyst

Building upon and enhancing the existing design language, we have developed a fully integrated approach to motion that originates from both the logo design and the core concept of conversation. This design language and motion theory dynamically runs throughout all assets.

Recognisably LBC

We’ve provided a far greater level of branding consistency, ensuring that there is never a doubt that you are viewing LBC content, whatever the channel. From idents to bold cover images, poster frames and more, everything looks and moves true to the brand.

Typography for all occasions

We’ve introduced a typographic hierarchy with clear distinction to facilitate the differing types of message. From bold, succinct, hard hitting headlines to descriptive statements and detailed narrative, the aesthetic approach is always considered.

Inspired backgrounds

A new suite of animated textural backgrounds, inspired by the design language of well known news broadcasters, helps to position LBC amongst the greats.

Always authentic

New graphic devices clearly identify content and give key quotes the prominence they deserve; bringing authenticity of information to the forefront.

Spreading the word

Our new assets actively put content in front of the audience and encourage further interaction, giving LBC new ways to target an even wider audience and convert them into brand advocates.

Consistency at speed

Through the creation of a suite of both static and responsive animated templates, all content can be created to the same high standards with speed and ease; essential to delivery of up to the minute content.

Continuing the conversation

To ensure the assets and templates are consistently used by multiple teams, we created a comprehensive set of guidelines that feature both aesthetic and technical direction; allowing LBC to continue to lead Britain’s conversation.

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Somerset House
