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Future-facing technology


Nano technology, massive impact

Making headway in the world of nano-technology, NAWA came to Rokabye for a new visual identity, website, brand film and bespoke CG. Their revolutionary technology is at the heart of the brand, allowing the pioneering products to shine.

 Vertically aligned

NAWA’s technology centres around vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and with the products at the forefront, the whole branding was created with this in mind. Expanding into applications from nano to macro, the theme of vertical alignment runs throughout the assets, from the logo to video transitions to photography.

 Bespoke CG

A bespoke series of CG assets were created for use across the website and within brand films, ranging from depictions of the nano technology to the products and their applications. A consistent style was created to break down the technology into a visual language that can be easily understood by both a scientific and commercial audience.

Forward-facing web design

The website was redesigned from the ground up, creating a more future-facing aesthetic with a structure that places the products and core offering at the forefront. Real-world use cases bring the products and their extensive benefits to life, and photography complements bespoke CG to allow the brand to convey a warmer, environmentally conscious stance.

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Jingle Bell Ball